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Unsightly Veins Got You Down?

Sclerotherapy is a minimally-invasive procedure that safely and effectively treats spider veins, diminishing their appearance to make your legs look and feel great!


What Is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy injects a safe sclerosing solution directly into each vein, causing the walls of the injected vein to seal shut, so blood is redirected to unaffected veins. Over time, your body absorbs the damaged vein, making it less visible and uncomfortable. The absorption time varies from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the size of the spider vein.

What Are The Benefits?

Spider and varicose veins are common issues that can significantly impact the look of your skin. If you suffer from minor and uncomplicated spider or varicose veins, Our team at Estheva Med Spa may recommend treatment with sclerotherapy. These Injections are a minimally invasive treatment that can be performed in-office; sclerotherapy is very appealing to many patients. But sclerotherapy does not work for all types of veins. Our specialists will examine your areas of concern and curate a treatment plan that works best for you when you have your consultation. 

What Results Can I Expect With Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy has no downtime, and you can immediately return to your routine. Exercise and fitness are encouraged as they will help expedite recovery. Your medical provider may require you to wear compression socks or hoses for a couple of days to optimize the results. Full effects can be expected to occur within three to six weeks. More prominent veins can take several months, and some patients need more than one treatment. This is typically a quick process and can take as little as 30 minutes. The time and number of injections will depend on the size and number of veins being treated. A small needle will be used for the injections, and a small compression bandage may be applied during the treatment.

Sclerotherapy in Raynham, MA

At Eestheva Med Spa, we offer sclerotherapy treatments to help you get rid of those pesky veins. If you are tired of hiding your legs and want to get back your freedom, our team is ready to help!

To schedule, give us a call at 508-369-4677 or submit the request appointment form below.


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Make Estheva Med Spa your place for beauty and relaxation. We offer a range of aesthetic treatments and de-stressors to help you unwind and rediscover your natural beauty. Get started by filling out and submitting the form below or calling our office at 508-369-4677.

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