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Oily Skin

Oily Skin

Even Out Your Complexion

Oily, acne-prone skin is no fun to deal with–and it feels like nothing works! As your pores produce excess sebum, it has nowhere to go but to sit on the skin’s surface–giving you the kind of shine you don’t like.

Harsh scrubs and exfoliants never seem to do the trick. And intense treatments can cause excessive drying, redness, and flaky skin. Luckily, at Estheva Med Spa, we have the treatments to help you!


What Causes Oily Skin?

There are many factors that can cause excess sebum production, such as:

  • Genetics
  • Environment
  • Medications
  • Hormones
  • Poor Diet 
  • Certain Cosmetics

If you feel like you can’t win with your skin, you’ve come to the right place. 

At Estheva, we understand everyone’s skin is unique, and we offer many treatment options to help you look and feel your best. We want to help you make your oily skin radiant once again. 


Dermaplaning removes facial hair that can trap dirt and oils. After treatments, makeup looks smoother and more flawless, and without the fine layer of hair on the face. Light also more easily refracts off the skin, creating an ethereal skin glow!

Close-up on oily skin

Alleviate Oily Skin in Raynham, MA

If the shine on your skin bothers you, don’t worry–Estheva has the right treatment for you. Rejuvenating and refreshing, our high-frequency treatment can diminish acne and oily skin, leaving you feeling beautiful inside and out. 

For scheduling, call 508-369-4677 or fill out the request appointment form below.

Request Appointment

Make Estheva Med Spa your place for beauty and relaxation. We offer a range of aesthetic treatments and de-stressors to help you unwind and rediscover your natural beauty. Get started by filling out and submitting the form below or calling our office at 508-369-4677.

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