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Discover the Power of Dermaplaning

This quick procedure can shave years off of your face! Using a small blade, dermaplaning removes and exfoliates the outer surface of facial skin and hair–revealing a beautiful you. 

Non-surgical, with no downtime and no recovery, this treatment is a natural, very simple way to bring back a youthful complexion. By removing excess hair and skin, a fresh layer of skin appears. This process also rejuvenates the skin and slowly diminishes the appearance of fine lines and acne scars

Many of us overlook the power of removing the outermost layer of skin. The outer skin layer can hold in built-up oil, sebum, and dirt–clogging our pores and altering our appearance. 


The Dermaplaning Process

The process of dermaplaning is quick and relaxing. In 30 minutes, layers of excess skin cells and hair will be removed with a small, but precise blade. 

No additional measures need to be taken, as this treatment is pain-free and does not provide any discomfort. 

While dermaplaning is a non-permanent hair removal option, the results create a beautiful, fresh layer of skin. We recommend visiting Estheva every 3-4 weeks for optimal results and a lovely you.

Woman with great skin after dermaplaning treatments

Get Dermaplaning in Raynham, MA

Revealing radiant, youthful skin is simple–dermaplaning is a non-surgical option for hairless, wrinkle-free skin. Our Estheva technicians want to ensure your comfort and safety. Please let us know if you have any concerns about the dermaplaning process. 

To schedule an appointment, call 508-369-4677 or use the request appointment form below.


$50/ 30 min. 

Request Appointment

Make Estheva Med Spa your place for beauty and relaxation. We offer a range of aesthetic treatments and de-stressors to help you unwind and rediscover your natural beauty. Get started by filling out and submitting the form below or calling our office at 508-369-4677.

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