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Excess Fat

Excess Fat

Do You Have Stubborn, Excess Fat?

A healthy diet and lifestyle sometimes still leave behind stubborn fat. It can be difficult to spot-treat excess fat in day-to-day life, especially when it comes from other factors. 

Even when we treat our bodies kindly, excess fat may stick around in areas we want it least. There is no need to try extreme at-home remedies that don’t have proven results. At Estheva, we offer proven, safe, and effective treatments to help lose excess fat. 

We understand that every body is unique and needs special care and attention. Your Estheva provider will always talk you through the best course of action for your needs.


How Can Estheva Med Spa Help?

Lipolean Injections with B Vitamins

One of the most effective treatments for boosting metabolism and helping you feel amazing.

Lipolean is an injection that combines the healing power of vitamins and amino acids to build the perfect fat-melting formula. In addition to this, Vitamin B12 is a building block for the brain and body–assisting in energy, clarity, and performance. 

The Lipolean Injection works together to speed up metabolism while assisting in subcutaneous fat loss. The injections can be administered into areas on the body that have unwanted fat. 

While results take typically a month to show, they are long-lasting and help build a healthier you. Please contact Estheva Med Spa if you have any additional questions. 

Woman pinching her body fat

Aid Fat Loss in Raynham, MA

A healthy diet and workout regimen are the key to a slimmer you–however, there may be areas that hold on to excess fat. And that’s ok! Here at Estheva, we want to help you discover results you love and bring you back to your most confident self. 

For scheduling, call 508-369-4677 or fill out and submit the request appointment form below.

Request Appointment

Make Estheva Med Spa your place for beauty and relaxation. We offer a range of aesthetic treatments and de-stressors to help you unwind and rediscover your natural beauty. Get started by filling out and submitting the form below or calling our office at 508-369-4677.

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